There are five categories of Membership within the SPONSE Association, as follows:

Admitted Research Organisations – For info on how to apply click here

Individial Researchers not part of an Admitted Research Organisation – For info on how to apply click here

Admitted Industrial Organisations – For info on how to apply click here

Industry Representative not part of an Admitted Industrial Organisation – For info on how to apply click here

Admitted Design, Construction and Professional Organizations – For info on how to apply click here

Individual Design, Construction and Professional Members not part of an Admitted Design, Construction and Professional Organization  – For info on how to apply click here

The requirements of eligibility for each category are as specified in the SPONSE Bylaws, that can be downloaded via the following link:

SPONSE ByLaws document >>

SPONSE intends to have local branches in the following regions::

China: Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration, Harbin

Europe: EUCENTRE, Pavia, Italy

Japan: (to be defined)

New Zealand: Quake Centre, Christchurch

North America: (to be defined)

South America: (to be defined)

SPONSE Board of Directors Meetings

In the following are available the minutes of the SPONSE Board of Directors Meetings

– 1st SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting May 14, 2015 

– 2nd SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting September 28, 2015

– 3rd SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting November 2, 2015

4th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting February 1, 2016

– 5th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting March 30, 2016 

– 6th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting August 29, 2016

– 7th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting November 16, 2016

– 8th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting January 11, 2017

– 9th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting April 5, 2017

– 10th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting July 3, 2017

– 11th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting July 3, 2017

– 12th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting March 16, 2018

– 13th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting July 17, 2018

– 14th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting November 28, 2018

– 15th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting March 5, 2019

– 16th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting May 23, 2019

– 17th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting October 16, 2019

– 18th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting January 27, 2020

– 19th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting May 05, 2020

– 20th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting September 14, 2020

– 21th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting December 14, 2020

– 22th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting April 28, 2021

– 23th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting September 14, 2021

– 24th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting January 13, 2022

– 25th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting May 3, 2022

– 26th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting August 23, 2022

– 27th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting December 6, 2022

– 29th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting April 20, 2023

– 30th SPONSE Board of Directors Meeting August 22, 2023